
The Attachments feature allows the user to search and view attachments to a claim. Users must have the appropriate roles/permissions to view this tab. Users can search by Date Type, Start/End Date, Trace Numbers, Payer Code, Patient Control Number, Patient First and Last Name, and/or Status.


To search for attachments:


  1. Click Attachments from the Claims drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the search criteria in the fields and click Search. Users can search by Date of Service or Received Date from the Date Type drop-down menu.

  3. The attachment information displays in the table and includes Attachment Name, Attachment ID, Received Date, both the eMEDIX Trace Number and Original Trace Number, Patient Control Number, Patient First and Last Name, Date of Service, Payer Code, Submission Status, and API. The Trace Numbers column displays the eMEDIX Trace Number followed by the Original Trace Number. Note: Attachments are matched only to one claim. If an attachment matches more than one claim, it is attached to the most recent claim.

  4. Users can view attachments not attached to a claim in the results table. The table displays the Attachment Name, Attachment ID, Received Date, Status, and API (if applicable). Users can search for the attachment date type or status. Since they are not attached to a claim, the fields associated with a claim are blank. 

  5. Click the arrow to expand the attachment details, which includes the Status Date, Status Code, Status Message, and Status Level. Or click Expand All or Collapse All to open and close all the date groups. 

  6. Click the file name link in the Attachment column to view the attachment.

  7. If an attachment is sent to eMEDIX via API, a note icon displays in the last column. Click the icon to download the json request.  

  8. If a payer does not have default routing and the payer codes are not recognized, the claim is in HOLD status. In this example, Unknown appears in the payer column and the Attachment tab is unavailable.

  9. If a claim is submitted without payer routing and an attachment is sent when a claim is in HOLD, the attachment goes to P1 status with an informational response message indicating the attachment is pending until the claim is no longer in HOLD.

  10. A record is added to the Audit Log for the activity. 


Attachment status codes and descriptions: 



AA Attachment transmitted successfully. 
EE There was a problem sending your attachment.
P1 Attachment does not match claim and is pending until matching claim received.
P2 Attachment is pending claim correction. Claim must pass eMEDIX edits.
02 Attachment accepted for processing.
04 Attachment delivered to the payer.
05 Attachment acknowledged by the payer. 
06 Attachment accepted by the payer.
11 Attachment reached print/fax facility.
12 Attachment rejected print/fax facility.
13 Attachment faxed successfully.
14 Attachment failed to fax.
15 Attachment failed to mail. 
16 Attachment mailed to the payer.
19 Attachment contained errors but was accepted by the payer.
51 Attachment rejected for processing.
52 Attachment rejected by the payer.
53 There was a problem processing your attachment. <details>


Attachment statuses and descriptions: 



TRANSMITTED Attachment successfully submitted.
ERRORED Attachment submission failed. See errors field for details.
ACKNOWLEDGED Attachment has been received for processing.
ACCEPTED Attachment has been accepted by the payer electronically or successfully sent to them via mail/fax.
REJECTED Attachment could not be processed or the payer rejected the attachment. add
PENDING Attachment does not match claim (P1) or Attachment is pending claim correction (P2). 
HOLD Attachment is not available for payers with no default routing (P1). 




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